Get Involved

in the Uniting Methodists movement

Uniting Methodists is a movement of Christ-centered, hope-filled, holiness-seeking United Methodists, uniting to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We challenge in love that which divides, and we offer to all people God’s saving grace that transforms the world.

The mission of Uniting Methodists is to help the Church make room for all. Below are several ways you can participate as together we seek to invite all God’s people to share in the saving grace that transforms the world.

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Activities in Your Local Church


  • Share copies of the Uniting Methodists newsletter by email with as many people who you believe will be open to inquiry and conversation.
  • Arrange for discussions groups (home meetings; Sunday school classes; all church meetings) for adults and older youth.
  • Share your perspective and questions with your pastor and lay leaders.
  • Encourage your church communicator to share articles and information in their regular newsletters and/or Sunday bulletins.
  • Work with your pastor or lay leader to arrange a congregation-wide educational and holy conversation event.


Activities in Your Annual Conference


  • Share your perspectives and questions with your bishop and district superintendent in a letter or an email. (Your pastor or church office can give you their names and addresses.)
  • Encourage your Annual Conference communicator to share articles and information in their regular newsletters and /or monthly mailings.


Additional Opportunities


Uniting Methodists is a movement rather than an organization. As a movement we are striving for greater inclusion and genuine representation in pursuit of shared goals. The statements found on this website represent our current consensus about important questions before the church. We invite suggestions, critique, and engaging conversations from persons across the UMC. The Uniting Methodists Leadership Team views this work as iterative and certain to be added to and enhanced over time.

* Uniting Methodists is a not-for-profit movement made up of members of The United Methodist Church and is not associated in any way with Room for All, Inc., an LGBTQ advocacy organization in the Reformed Church in America.

Contact Us

If you have comments, questions, or other feedback, we would love to hear from you! Please email us at .