by Britt Skarda senior pastor of Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas

Dear PHUMC Family,

As I write this message to you from General Conference in St Louis, I know that many of you are disappointed and saddened by the decisions that have been made this week at this global gathering. I share your pain and disappointment. As an ordained United Methodist pastor for more than three decades now, I have preached a message of God’s inclusive love for all. Pulaski Heights UMC has shared this same message for more than 100 years, and we will continue to share this timeless biblical message for the next 100!

Much of the turmoil surrounding General Conference is related to cultural differences that place the UMC here in the United States in a vastly different context than, for example, the UMC in Africa.

The General Conference is not the church. It is a legislative body. Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church is the living, breathing body of Christ called to LOVE GOD, LOVE NEIGHBOR AND CHANGE THE WORLD. I can’t wait to return to Little Rock and to you as we continue to unashamedly open wide our doors and our arms to the world God so loved. John 3:16.

I love you all,

Britt Skard

Uniting Methodists is a movement rather than an organization. As a movement we are striving for greater inclusion and genuine representation in pursuit of shared goals. The statements found on this website represent our current consensus about important questions before the church. We invite suggestions, critique, and engaging conversations from persons across the UMC. The Uniting Methodists Leadership Team views this work as iterative and certain to be added to and enhanced over time.

* Uniting Methodists is a not-for-profit movement made up of members of The United Methodist Church and is not associated in any way with Room for All, Inc., an LGBTQ advocacy organization in the Reformed Church in America.

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